
My name is Nathan Knox. This my personal website. I made it. Enjoy!

As of 2/20/2025: I may restore the site and continue my plans for it later however I must do other things.
I would like to write about my interests, and research all of my theories to see which ones pan out. Unforunately I created this at a time where I just can't do that.
Too much to do.
Great Lent starts soon and I want to be on a computer for only as long as I need to be.
The things I will do: 1) Buy an Alarm clock and a watch so I can have my phone on me less. 2) Attempt to Min-Max my computer time. Minimize wasted time. Maximize crap done.
Something I need to do, especially when faced with my own mind, is pray. Over the course of the coming season, and even now, pray. Short prayers are fine, just "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have Mercy on me, a Sinner".
Now you may ask why would I make a website at this time if I'm not going to do what I wanted to do with it? I got propagandized by LukeSmith into wanting to create a website. This desire festered in me until I manned up and created this site. Pray for me, you know my name.
Best Reguard's,

-Nathan Knox :)